lower broughton road


new build apartments, Salford

A new build apartment building on a prominent corner site close to the River Irwell in Salford. The proposal is for 59 apartments with a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bed units with associated ground level car parking. The proposed layout consists of a simple ‘L‘ shaped plan which provides a continuous active road frontage and creates an enclosed external space behind for concealed secure car parking. The main entrance is located at the knuckle of the ‘L’ shape, conveniently close to the corner junction. The car park entrance is positioned away from the busy junction, mid way along Lower Broughton Road. The ground floor level is raised in response to the flood risk from the nearby River Irwell.

P3 LowerB 1
P3 LowerB 8
P3 LowerB 16
467 3 Elevation
467 4 Plan